Emory Men's Tennis Team Volunteers At Ronald McDonald House

Emory Men's Tennis Team Volunteers At Ronald McDonald House

The Emory men's tennis team recently volunteered at the nearby Ronald McDonald House. Sophomore James Spaulding wrote about the experience.

This morning the Emory men’s tennis team ventured to our local Ronald McDonald House to make breakfast for the families of sick children being treated at Emory Hospital. This has become a yearly tradition that I am proud to be a part of as both a member of the team, as well as a member of the Emory community. Events such as this allow us to immediately give back to the community in a fun and interactive manner.


After we finished making pancakes, bacon, and eggs, the local Ronald McDonald representative gave us a brief history of the Ronald McDonald House Foundation and their mission. Most importantly, he explained to us that even though making breakfast may seem to be a relatively basic task to us, to the residents it means far greater. Having a prepared meal relieves these families of having to prepare breakfast for their children and any effort to alleviate stress can leave a profound and lasting impact at an incredibly difficult point in their lives. As the rep simply put it: “It grants them 45 minutes of normalcy.”

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